maandag 12 oktober 2009

Three Days of the Condor

Here's a golden movie tip for everyone: "Three Days Of Condor"
Robert Redford stars as the every day man Turner who works for the CIA reading books and postulating possible scenarios that could be applied to inteligence work. The story begins quietly, just every day life. He goes to work on his bicycle in the rain and is late. But then he goes out to get lunch and when he returns everyone at the center has been killed. Even though we saw it happening, we still feel his horror when he finds his coworkers dead. The tension never lets up in this grim, exciting tale, as Turner discovers he can trust no one, and barely survives assassination attempts, again and again.

The message? Knowledge is power. He's not just an every day man. He's the hero any of us could be. He is so believable that everything he accomplishes seems all the more impressive. He stays ahead of the game -just barely- using his intellegence.

I watched it because it seemed like a nice story, and I love thrillers, but mostly because of Robert Redford. I like him in well, every movie. In this movie he was fantastic. The scenes between him and the assassin are done beautifully. When they are together in the elevator the tension reaches its top and it feels like you're trapped there with them.

So I know what you'll be watching tonight :) Have fun!

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